WT Rules

Governance, especially in the context of the Olympic and Paralympic movements, has emerged as one of the most important measures of institutional credibility and reliability. Its significance is seen in the Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance within the Olympic Movement of the IOC, along with the Olympic Agenda 2020 and then 2020+5, where integrity is one of the agenda’s three pillars and requires enhancing governance operations across all levels.

Furthermore, ASOIF recognized its significance and began assessing governance of International Federations from 2016 through the “Review of International Federation Governance”. In the spirit of integrity and good governance, World Taekwondo has striven for excellence by developing new structures, policies, and processes and also adopting best practices. As a result, World Taekwondo has progressed to an “A2” ranking on the ASOIF Governance Review. World Taekwondo is committed to achieving an “A1” score and is committed to sustaining its integrity and governance standards in the years to come.

Recent achievements include the implementation of the IFRS system in 2016 to create a more consistent and transparent system in financial reporting. The financial statements are now understandable and comparable across all member national associations, and is one of the model examples highlighted by ASOIF to other International Federations.

Secondly, Taekwondo made its debut as an official sport in the Paralympic Games in 2020 and is a pioneer in humanitarian activities through the Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation. Taekwondo is a truly inclusive and accessible sport, and this has enabled and inspired more people to practice and enjoy Taekwondo at both elite and grassroots levels.

Thirdly, World Taekwondo is a transparent organization and now has a much larger online presence with information readily available for anyone interested in its operations. Anyone can visit the website to learn about organizational structure, annual reports, policies, disciplinary actions, and more. Likewise, online programs have been created to assist coaches, referees, and athletes in Taekwondo. Beyond governance indicators and recognition, World Taekwondo will continue to work to meet the highest governance standards for its members and the global Taekwondo community.
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  • GOVERNANCE CURRENT Finance Rules (as of 30 November 2023) PDF Download
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  • GOVERNANCE CURRENT Non-Doping related Sanctions List as of Jan 2024 PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE CURRENT WT Anti Discrimination Policy (Dec 6, 2019) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE CURRENT WT Election Bylaws (March 7, 2017) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE CURRENT WT Trademark Bylaws (May 10, 2015) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS Member National Association Ranking Bylaws PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS 20230106 Finance Rules (Approved) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code (January 2023) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS Changes made for WT Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code (January 2023) PDF Download
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  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Safeguarding Policy as of October 6, 2020 PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS World Taekwondo Sustainability Recommendations PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code (Nov. 16, 2021) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code (Oct. 11, 2019) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code (Apr. 20, 2022) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Code of Ethics (Dec 5 2019) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Safeguarding Policy (Dec. 5, 2019) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Sustainability Policy (March 2017) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS Finance Rules (Dec 5, 2019) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS Finance Rules Matrix (Dec 5, 2019) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Bylaws on Betting and Anti-Corruption PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS World Taekwondo Code of Ethics (May 13, 2019) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS World Taekwondo Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code (May 13, 2019) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS Finance Rules (May 13, 2019) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS World Taekwondo Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code (Nov 21, 2018) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS World Taekwondo Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Code (Oct, 2016) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Bylaws of Dispute Resolution & Disciplinary Actions (Jan, 2015) PDF Download
  • GOVERNANCE PREVIOUS WT Code of Ethics PDF Download